Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sony needs to advertise their exclusives properly.

[NOTE: This is mostly from my perspective.]

Last year we saw the release of Killzone 3, Socom 4, Uncharted 3, Infamous 2, and Resistance 3.

Uncharted 3 undoubtedly did the best in 2011 and had good advertising. 

But what about the other games I mentioned? Not a lot of people knew about them and while the games did have buyers, they still sold below what was expected.

However, when a COD game is released, Sony likes to make it clear that COD can be played online, for free, with their system. Also, if a multiplatform game will give PS3-users a special item, Sony just loves to make that known instead trying to entice gamers to buy their exclusives.

Here is a link to's list of the PS3's best-selling games since launch (look at the top 20):

Exclusives: 6. Non-exclusives: 14. Look at how they're positioned.

The problem is either Sony isn't marketing anything the right way or their developers are not very good.

You be the judge.

- Mouse

1 comment:

  1. The problem is the entire industry. Everyone is scrambling to make a quick dollar. Why do you think EA has a pay pass? Why do you think Activision is shoveling out shitty CoD games every year? Every time a CoD game comes out everyone is pissed at the "online" play. This whole generation was built on online co-op. So now that developers, publishers, etc. are trying to cash in on charging you for every little thing. Which includes map packs, expanded areas, in some cases patches, etc. See where this is going? They sell you a broken game at full retail value but now you have to "pay" for all the little extras for the "full" game.
